Swedish Massage increases circulation, stretches the ligaments and tendons, stimulates the skin and nervous system and reduces stress, both emotional and physical. It is suggested in a regular program for stress management. It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted
The West Virginia Massage Therapy Board is pleased to welcome you to our online resource for information for Massage Therapist professionals operating in the state of West Virginia. The Massage Therapy Board is charged by the state of West Virginia with assuring proper education, experience, and expertise of all individuals who practice Massage Therapy
Conveniently located in Morgantown, West Virginia we provide individualized medical care including physical therapy, medical massage, orthopedic rehabilitation, and chiropractic treatments. Call (304) 598-2632 or visit our office to schedule an appointment. When chiropractic care is used in conjunction with massage therapy, both treatments work together
Ocean's Massage Therapy is a locally owned and operated business that has been providing exceptional stress relief, relaxation, and therapeutic, massage services since 2005. Get massage services from us to reduce your muscle stress and fatigue in a soothing environment. Gift certificates are available. Call us today for more details.
Here at Natural Touch, continuing and aspiring therapists in the industry can benefit from our expertise. We offer massage continuing education WV that helps to enhance and harness your knowledge and skills to keep it up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry. We share our expertise with you and treat you like a family that supports each other
Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds all of our muscles, organs, bones and nerves. It holds the body's structures together, gives them their. Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), also known as Lymphatic Facilitation, is a light and gentle massage technique used to facilitate the removal of fluid and. I use only 100% organic oils and lotions, and therapeutic
I will be in Weirton at 3665 Penns. Ave. on Tuesdays Only. New location in Wellsburg WV at NXT Level Physcial Therapy 931 Charles Street. I will be availabe in Wellsburg on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturdays just choose Wellsburg Staff for Wellsburg schedule, you can Book Online free here. I will be eliminating my 304-748-7134 in a month Please
A holistic hands on full body treatment that involves unique techniques and a variety of different modalities such as swedish, deep tissue and hot towel treatments to manage pain and relieve muscle tension in the body. The uplifting benefits to this invigorating massage is the increase in blood flow and the release of oxygen to your muscles while at
Massage and bodywork should be part of everyone's healthcare. It helps to improve your connection to your body, unlocks and releases tight muscles, decreases pain and improves mobility. People who receive regular bodywork report an increase in energy for the day and for life. Canyon Massage and Bodywork offers professional massage and bodywork services
Graduate of Virginia School of Massage - 637 hour professional course. Skilled in orthopedic massage testing of patients to a ccess and treat with the intent to return them to daily function. Specialize in treating injures and pain. If you're looking for a professional clinical orthopedic massage therapist, you've come to the right place. It is with