The overall benefits of therapeutic massage have been well-documented. High stress levels, especially around the holidays, can contribute to the aging process, and massage can help manage stress by decreasing anxiety, enhancing sleep quality, increasing energy, improving concentration, increasing circulation, and reducing fatigue. Please contact Donna
Massage is a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen. It's a great way to help ease tension, relieve pain, improve circulation, and reduce stress. Massage can improve mood and enhance sleep quality. At Anderson Massage Therapy I work with you to personalize your therapy session. Your body is constantly changing and so should your targeted therapies
Located in Simsbury on Hopmeadow Street for over 20 years, we specialize in a variety of therapeutic modalities, and our Licensed Massage Therapists individualize every session to your specific needs. Many seek massage therapy for relief of chronic pain, to speed recovery from injuries or surgery, enhance athletic performance, for relaxation and balance