If your body or mind troubles you, massage therapy may provide the relief you are seeking. Whether you are feeling mentally fatigued and stressed or experiencing physical pain due to an injury or medical condition, I can help. Corrects functional imbalances and restores the body's flow to a more natural state of well-being. CST can be helpful for conditions
Movement Miracles is an integrative approach which accesses the self-healing resources of your body through touch, movement and breath awareness practices. Estie Golan, the therapist behind Movement Miracles, draws from over 30 years experience in the holistic health field incorporating skills from Somatic Education, Hellerwork Structural Integration
Yoga and massage are becoming more and more popular as powerful healing tools. We specialize in a form of Medical Thai Massage we call Integrated Thai Massage. This is formed by merging the ancient healing techniques of Thai Massage, Shiatsu, with modern Bay Area's own Watsu / Tantsu and modern Western medical massage with Structural Integration, Russian