Applying pressure with the fingers, arm or elbow to certain meridian points on the body to relieve pain, including neck pain, shoulder pain, lower back pain, headaches. Reflexology is not just a foot massage, it is more than that. Reflexology, called "Zone Therapy" using gentle to firm finger pressure to an acupressure point on the feet ankles and legs
In order to provide you with the best experience, we match you with the right therapist for your specific issue. We then take the time to listen and address your needs. Whether you're coming to us with sciatica, low back pain issues or just wanting to relax, you can count on our team to partner with you to achieve your health and well being goals.
Hi, I'm Allie, owner and licensed massage therapist at Studio A. It's my mission to make high-quality therapeutic bodywork that is trauma-informed accessible to everyone in Brownsburg and surrounding areas. I want to introduce bodywork to as many people as I can, especially those who have been through hard stuff--trauma, accidents, prolonged periods
Sharie offers an integrated massage specially designed for your needs from a relaxing swedish to a deep tissue utilizing several different modalities like positional release, neuromuscular, and trigger point therapy. Even if you are coming for an hour of relaxing "me" time, you will still experience a therapeutic massage. Everyone deserves to take time