At SCI we specialize in pain relief. That's our hook. You are a good match for us if you want to skip the seaweed wraps and essential oils and get back to doing what you love to do. At SCI we employ the Biopschosocial Framework for treatment and management of pain. This means we don't just treat the spot, we treat the person. We take a look at many
I believe that in order for the body to heal it must be free of stress. Treating the body via massage relaxes tense tissue so that deeper muscle fibers can be reached, addressed and restored to normal function. Remember: muscles move our bones! Without healthy, fluid movement of muscles, the entire skeletal system cannot perform properly and chronic
The goal of massage is to invite your body to relax, to reduce pain and increase range of motion and well-being. We discuss how massage can help you, and then customize the massage by including modalities that are blended for each persons needs, giving a uniquely interactive and personally tailored session every time! Some of our therapist have over