Dr. McMahon is a member of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association, Northwestern Ohio Chiropractic Association and Logan College Of Chiropractic Alumni Association. Dr. McMahon has attended numerous post graduate seminars including: acupuncture, nutrition, sports injuries, x-ray, specialized chiropractic techniques. The McMahon Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Any type of massage modality that helps relieve pain, reduce stress, and work on a specific problem-such as Frozen shoulder, Plantar fasciitis and similar musculoskeletal conditions. Hydration after treatment is highly recommended. Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology, compared to the energy-centric style more common
At Remedy, we work with active individuals to exceed expectations and meet personal goals. We spend time with you to understand what activities you're engaged in, how we can help you recover faster, prevent future injury, and train harder, therefore, customizing the massage experience to meet your needs. You push your body and work hard. You need relief