Swedish Massage will melt away muscle tension and increase the blood flow to your heart. Swedish Massage is extremely therapeutic as it decreases muscle toxins, increases oxygen levels in the blood, and improves flexibility in the body. Swedish massage is especially relaxing when coupled with Himalayan Salt Stones. Cupping Therapy can be incorporated
Intuitive, therapeutic, and relaxing. Serenity Richmond specializes in creating a calming ambiance designed to help you feel relief from tension, pain, illness, and environmental stress. Pamper yourself with top of the line products such as Image International as well as various product lines related to our many therapies. Serenity Richmond is a holistic
Old Mechanicsville Health Spa is located in the heart of Old Town Mechanicsville, diagonal to the famous windmill. We are within 2 miles of Interstates 64, 295, and 95. Our location is convenient for Hanover, Henrico, Richmond, or Glen Allen residents. Being only a 10 minute drive from the RIC airport, we are also convenient for traveling guests. We