Massage Therapists - As bodywork practitioners, we believe in your body's powerful ability to heal. We put those beliefs into practice through Swedish massage, deep tissue bodywork, Thai massage, Rolf Structural Integration, hot stone massage, and pre-& post-natal massage. Whatever your situation, we will help you select customized bodywork and massage
Set up an appointment with me today! I offer a wide range of massage modalities and holistic health suggestions to help ease pain and put your mind and body at ease. Massage has many health benefits and can make your entire state of mind more positive for a great outlook on life! Come experience why so many clients return for my massage sessions! Full
Jan Marini is a recognized leader and innovator in skin care that is committed to continually expanding and improving the professional skin care market. JMSR's two primary focuses are to provide innovative technologies that deliver proven measurable results and an unwavering commitment to the ongoing success of our customers. The Body Spot offers high