More and more Americans are turning to therapeutic massage as a means to seek relief for a medical condition, search for a method to help deal with the stresses of daily life as a way to maintain good health. Massage doesn't just feel good, it blends benefits of the mind, body and spirit connection. Research supports what people are feeling after massage
We facilitate optimal health by providing holistic health services that balance mind, body and spirit. Thank you for supporting your local independent massage therapy and holistic health practice. Since 2009, we have been helping people throughout Southeastern CT and Western RI optimize their quality of life. Through therapeutic massage, organic skin
Here at the Barnett Chiropractic and Massage Center our main focus is you, the client, and getting you back to your best fit self. We pride ourselves on our integrative and holistic approach and strive to meet the standards of the defining principals of integrative medicine. That is why we treat each patient with the least invasive, most up-to-date