The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. A spinal adjustment is a safe, holistic procedure where we move or manipulate the vertebrae of the spine. This is done to alleviate nerve pressure or irritation to a spinal nerve, which impacts
Main Street Massage has been serving clients in Flemington, New Jersey and the surrounding areas of Hunterdon, Somerset and Warren counties for over 20 years. Comprised of a group of multi-disciplinary specialists in the field of Massage and Bodywork, you can expect the highest standard of professional services from our licensed therapists who will
The ancient art of Chinese massage, practiced & refined over millennia has spread the World over. Chinese Massage Therapy is known for its wide range of soothing and invigorating techniques. At our lovely Massage Studio in Flemington we combine authentic, experienced and caring practitioners with a unique multi-modality massage therapy technique.