At Hands On Therapy our mission is simply to help you move better by providing services that are designed to restore motion and relieve pain so that you may participate in the activities you enjoy. Our philosophy is that knowledge is essential to healing and an integrative hands-on approach and proper client education are the keys to the prevention
Acupuncture is a medical system that has diagnosed, treated, and prevented illness for more than 2,300 years. Acupuncture is used to treat disease and improve general health as well as enhance the immune system, restore the body's recuperative powers, and improve brain and emotional health. It is a safe and effective method for treating a wide variety
I've begun the process of getting my schedule up and running for reopening; I am SO excited to see you all! This being said, there are a LOT of moving parts to making this happen, and I so very much appreciate the patience through this unprecedented time. A session at Shanti Bodywork can benefit each and every individual, in any number of different