Amy's Body Therapy offers Myofascial Release, Therapeutic Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, and Essential Oils. Therapeutic Massages helps relieve pain, reduce stress, and work on a specific problem-such as a frozen shoulder. Specializing in the use of posture pumps to decrease forward head and shoulders, decreasing pain from irritated nerve Roots, bulging disc, herniated disc, sciatica.
Nourishing spine and help the spine to regain natural curvatures.
Nourishing spine and help the spine to regain natural curvatures.
Myofascial refers to the fascia, or connective tissue, which spreads throughout our entire body.
It plays an important role in the support of our bodies, since it attaches, penetrates and surrounds every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, vein, internal organ and spinal cord.
A healing, effective, hands-on technique that provides sustained pressure into tight and/or painful areas of our body (which are often caused by fascia restrictions).
This is a noninvasive, drug-free technique.
Because traumas occur physically as well as emotionally to the body, clients often experience physical and emotional releases during sessions.
It plays an important role in the support of our bodies, since it attaches, penetrates and surrounds every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, vein, internal organ and spinal cord.
A healing, effective, hands-on technique that provides sustained pressure into tight and/or painful areas of our body (which are often caused by fascia restrictions).
This is a noninvasive, drug-free technique.
Because traumas occur physically as well as emotionally to the body, clients often experience physical and emotional releases during sessions.
At Amy's Body Therapy, we only use the highest quality of therapeutic grade essential oils from the reputable Young Living.
Their transparency and ethical conduct provides top quality oils extracted from their farms.
A link to their website can be found here.
The fragrance of an essential oil can directly affect everything from your emotional state of your lifespan.
The specific mechanics of the sense of smell are still being described as working like a lock and key or an odor molecule fitting a specific receptor site.
Their transparency and ethical conduct provides top quality oils extracted from their farms.
A link to their website can be found here.
The fragrance of an essential oil can directly affect everything from your emotional state of your lifespan.
The specific mechanics of the sense of smell are still being described as working like a lock and key or an odor molecule fitting a specific receptor site.
Amy Hagar is a Physical Therapist Assistant for over 25 years and a licensed massage therapist.
She received her training from P.T. John Barnes, the preeminent teacher of Myofascial Release.
Body therapy is just that.
Body therapy.
Each session is tailored to your individual needs.
One person may have been through traditional physical therapy and still have that shoulder, back, neck, jaw, etc. pain.
A full-body postural assessment along with myofascial release work, craniosacral, massage, spinal balancing with various tools, muscle energy techniques, home exercises, and stretching, may help someone achieve an active pain-free lifestyle.
She received her training from P.T. John Barnes, the preeminent teacher of Myofascial Release.
Body therapy is just that.
Body therapy.
Each session is tailored to your individual needs.
One person may have been through traditional physical therapy and still have that shoulder, back, neck, jaw, etc. pain.
A full-body postural assessment along with myofascial release work, craniosacral, massage, spinal balancing with various tools, muscle energy techniques, home exercises, and stretching, may help someone achieve an active pain-free lifestyle.
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