Therapeutic massage is probably the most powerful, non-invasive method of treating, preventing, and controlling pain available today. The first thing we usually do when we feel pain in our bodies is to rub the area; massage therapy in its most basic form. Massage has a long and distinguished history including use by the ancient Chinese, Japanese, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians.
Today massage is often prescribed by doctors and is increasingly used by everyone for pain relief and a more active lifestyle. The Right Touch, a private practice in the Denver-Metro area operated by Sandra Gill, Licensed Massage Therapist, provides over 24 years of experience to assist clients with professional therapeutic massage. Massage therapy is based on the fact that our soft tissues -- muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia -- respond to touch.
Muscles not only move our joints, they stabilize them, and provide protective armour for our internal organs. Most pain originates from soft tissues. Trigger points -- specific responsive points in muscles which radiate or refer pain to various parts of the body -- can mimic numerous conditions.
Today massage is often prescribed by doctors and is increasingly used by everyone for pain relief and a more active lifestyle. The Right Touch, a private practice in the Denver-Metro area operated by Sandra Gill, Licensed Massage Therapist, provides over 24 years of experience to assist clients with professional therapeutic massage. Massage therapy is based on the fact that our soft tissues -- muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia -- respond to touch.
Muscles not only move our joints, they stabilize them, and provide protective armour for our internal organs. Most pain originates from soft tissues. Trigger points -- specific responsive points in muscles which radiate or refer pain to various parts of the body -- can mimic numerous conditions.
The most frequent UNSPOKEN question about massage therapy: Do I have to get totally naked?.
You may undress to whatever point YOU are comfortable.
This means you may remain fully clothed, you may undress completely, or to your comfort level.
I will leave the room allowing you sufficient time to disrobe and knock before entering the room.
You then lie down on the massage table under a sheet and blanket.
During the massage, only the part of your body currently being worked on is ever uncovered.
Those parts of your body generally considered private are never uncovered or massaged.
You may undress to whatever point YOU are comfortable.
This means you may remain fully clothed, you may undress completely, or to your comfort level.
I will leave the room allowing you sufficient time to disrobe and knock before entering the room.
You then lie down on the massage table under a sheet and blanket.
During the massage, only the part of your body currently being worked on is ever uncovered.
Those parts of your body generally considered private are never uncovered or massaged.
Imagine employees who are happier, more creative and productive.
Customers who choose your store because you make them feel pampered while you give them more energy to shop.
As a result of Chair Massage, you can expect a dramatic increase in employee productivity, creativity, decisiveness, communication, and positive attitude.
Studies have shown that corporate concern for their employees' mental and physical well-being enhances morale.
If provided as a service or promotion for customers, you can expect a dramatic increase in customer satisfaction and sales.
Customers who choose your store because you make them feel pampered while you give them more energy to shop.
As a result of Chair Massage, you can expect a dramatic increase in employee productivity, creativity, decisiveness, communication, and positive attitude.
Studies have shown that corporate concern for their employees' mental and physical well-being enhances morale.
If provided as a service or promotion for customers, you can expect a dramatic increase in customer satisfaction and sales.
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