Everything possible will be done to insure that your massage therapy is positive and rewarding. Prior to treatment a brief questionnaire and medical intake is completed to determine the type of massage therapy best suited for your needs. If massage therapy is prescribed for a specific condition by a medical doctor, the cost of the treatment may be covered by your health insurance.
All information provided is strictly confidential. A single treatment may consist of one type or massage therapy or a combination of several types. The massage therapies practiced are Swedish Massage (the most common, consisting of long strokes, kneading, vibration, friction and percussion techniques); Medical Massage (consisting of a concentrated, localized treatment for a specific condition); and Deep Tissue Therapy.
Treatments are either half hour or full hour sessions. You will be asked to undress in private and drape yourself with the towel provided. Although it is more effective to manipulate the body's tissues if the client is unclothed, you may remain partially clothed if desired.
All information provided is strictly confidential. A single treatment may consist of one type or massage therapy or a combination of several types. The massage therapies practiced are Swedish Massage (the most common, consisting of long strokes, kneading, vibration, friction and percussion techniques); Medical Massage (consisting of a concentrated, localized treatment for a specific condition); and Deep Tissue Therapy.
Treatments are either half hour or full hour sessions. You will be asked to undress in private and drape yourself with the towel provided. Although it is more effective to manipulate the body's tissues if the client is unclothed, you may remain partially clothed if desired.
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