Body Technology
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As massage therapists we want you to enjoy your experience and feel better when you leave! It is our goal to make you feel relaxed and comfortable during your session. We always welcome new clients and are available to discuss your individual needs - your massage is about you, and how we can make you feel better. Terri has worked in the medical field since 1976 and is the proud owner of Body Technology for 30 years.

Working in conjunction with Chiropractors, Orthopedists, Medical Doctors and Neurosurgeons, she specializes in therapeutic massage and pain management to help her clients find relief from chronic pain and localized injury. Terri uses Neuromuscular therapy, Trigger point therapy, Myofascial Release, Cranial Sacral Therapy, and more, for the treatment of her clients.

She is also a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Fitness Instructor, her extensive knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and bio mechanics of the body continues to help clients with their healing. She is very committed to helping her clients improve their overall health.
Swedish massage is the most common and best-known type of massage in the West.
If it is your first time or you don't get massage very often, then swedish massage may be perfect for you.
During your massage we lubricate the skin with massage oil and perform various massage strokes.
These movements warm up the muscle tissue, releasing tension and gradually breaking up muscle "knots" or adheared tissues called adhesions.
Swedish massage promotes relaxation among other health benefits.
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia also called connective tissue.
Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.
A Powerful Ally - There's no denying the power of bodywork.
Regardless of the adjectives we assign to it (pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic) or the reasons we seek it out (a luxurious treat, stress relief, pain management), massage therapy can be a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen.
Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress related.
And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress.
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