A full body massage typically includes treatment to the arms, head/neck, shoulders, legs and back and takes about 60 minutes to complete. Each treatment is customized to the client's needs and time allotted. Massage requires direct contact with the skin, therefore, draping techniques are used to protect client privacy. Involves application of light touch to release tensions held deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction bringing a deep relaxation to the client.
Client remains fully clothed while lying on massage table. CranioSacral Therapy is often times combined with massage. Works great for headaches/migraines and more!. Massage treatment to client's choice of either neck/shoulders OR the back and is 15-20 minutes. Involves direct contact with the skin, therefore, draping techniques are used to insure client privacy.
I've had headaches almost daily for the last 13 years. I've talked with neurologists. I've had MRIs and CAT scans, and they found nothing wrong with me. My wife suggested I try craniosacral therapy.
Client remains fully clothed while lying on massage table. CranioSacral Therapy is often times combined with massage. Works great for headaches/migraines and more!. Massage treatment to client's choice of either neck/shoulders OR the back and is 15-20 minutes. Involves direct contact with the skin, therefore, draping techniques are used to insure client privacy.
I've had headaches almost daily for the last 13 years. I've talked with neurologists. I've had MRIs and CAT scans, and they found nothing wrong with me. My wife suggested I try craniosacral therapy.
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