Developed in Japan, Shiatsu is a style of bodywork that uses finger pressure to specific points on the body, rocking movements, stretches and joint rotations to restore the healthy flow of energy (chi in Chinese, ki in Japanese) to the body. Shiatsu is holistic, addressing the whole body rather than focusing on one area where symptoms are most obvious.
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish massage, but the pressure will generally be more intense. In all Swedish massage, the therapist lubricates the skin with massage oil and performs various massage strokes.
These movements warm up the muscle tissue, releasing tension and gradually breaking up muscle "knots" or adhered tissues, called adhesions. A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It's used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body.
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish massage, but the pressure will generally be more intense. In all Swedish massage, the therapist lubricates the skin with massage oil and performs various massage strokes.
These movements warm up the muscle tissue, releasing tension and gradually breaking up muscle "knots" or adhered tissues, called adhesions. A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It's used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body.
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