Arrive a few minutes early. Prior to your massage you will receive a robe to change into. Most people prefer to remove all clothing and jewelry. During your massage, your therapist keeps your entire body draped and only that portion that is being massaged is undraped. If you feel more comfortable leaving your undergarments on, that's fine too. Relax, this is your time and time for your body (and your mind) to release the worries and stresses of the day.
Deep breathing and closing of your eyes will assist in your complete relaxation. Let your therapist know if you are comfortable or uncomfortable, too warm or too cold or if the massage pressure is too light or too intense. Trust your massage therapist to move your limbs in whatever position is necessary for and during the massage. If the therapist says, "take your time getting up, " it means not to get up so fast that you get woozy.
You generally have five or so minutes. The room must be prepared for the next client unless she or he says otherwise.
Deep breathing and closing of your eyes will assist in your complete relaxation. Let your therapist know if you are comfortable or uncomfortable, too warm or too cold or if the massage pressure is too light or too intense. Trust your massage therapist to move your limbs in whatever position is necessary for and during the massage. If the therapist says, "take your time getting up, " it means not to get up so fast that you get woozy.
You generally have five or so minutes. The room must be prepared for the next client unless she or he says otherwise.
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