We believe that massage therapy is more than a skill, it's an intuition. The power of touch is an amazing tool in promoting a healthy mind and body. We are dedicated to the Wellness, Balance and Healing that therapeutic massage brings to you. We specialize in Swedish, Sports and Deep Tissue combination massage, which helps relieve pain & tension throughout various areas of the body.
If you suffer from chronic neck and back pain and have limited range of motion, then therapeutic massage can help. Feel alive again through the power power of touch. Graduated from Institute for Therapeutic Massage in 2009 and is licensed by the NJ Board of Massage and Bodywork. She is a member of the ABMP/ Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals and ATMA/ American Massage Therapy.
Christine has seven years experience in the field. She worked at a Rehabilitation Center practicing medical massage alongside Physical Therapists, Chiropractors and Pain Management Doctors.
If you suffer from chronic neck and back pain and have limited range of motion, then therapeutic massage can help. Feel alive again through the power power of touch. Graduated from Institute for Therapeutic Massage in 2009 and is licensed by the NJ Board of Massage and Bodywork. She is a member of the ABMP/ Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals and ATMA/ American Massage Therapy.
Christine has seven years experience in the field. She worked at a Rehabilitation Center practicing medical massage alongside Physical Therapists, Chiropractors and Pain Management Doctors.
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