A Japanese modality known as Shiatsu, based on Acupuncture but NO NEEDLES are used. Instead of targeting a specific problem, in Shiatsu the whole body/mind/spirit is considered and treated. A unique method of massage involving essential oils being dispensed like little drops of rain from a height of about six to twelve inches above the back, then massaged along the vertebrae.
Ticklish or not, our therapists will relieve pressure using Foot Reflexology, to help stimulate circulation and deliver a relaxation that you'll truly get a kick out of. All too often the feet are. Enroll in a membership and be rewarded with one free massage. Make the commitment to take care of yourself through monthly visits that help rejuvenate and revitalize your body and mind.
The Massage Center is here to offer courteous service and a diverse selection of treatments to those looking for the tremendous benefits of professional massage therapy. The Massage Center - South Tampa is located just west of downtown Tampa, Florida.
Ticklish or not, our therapists will relieve pressure using Foot Reflexology, to help stimulate circulation and deliver a relaxation that you'll truly get a kick out of. All too often the feet are. Enroll in a membership and be rewarded with one free massage. Make the commitment to take care of yourself through monthly visits that help rejuvenate and revitalize your body and mind.
The Massage Center is here to offer courteous service and a diverse selection of treatments to those looking for the tremendous benefits of professional massage therapy. The Massage Center - South Tampa is located just west of downtown Tampa, Florida.
The Massage Center is here to offer courteous service and a diverse selection of treatments to those looking for the tremendous benefits of professional massage therapy.
We have quite a few locations and are growing to help offer a phenomenal program to all that can benefit from our efforts.
Feel free to provide feedback after your treatment.
Our program offers fourteen unique massage therapy treatments, described with treatment titles that are easy to remember.
We offer a free massage to those who become members.
We have quite a few locations and are growing to help offer a phenomenal program to all that can benefit from our efforts.
Feel free to provide feedback after your treatment.
Our program offers fourteen unique massage therapy treatments, described with treatment titles that are easy to remember.
We offer a free massage to those who become members.
Pressure can be light or deep, the major strokes are long and circular and can be customized to address where stress is held.
A Deep Tissue Massage works to separate the muscle from the connective tissues.
When the body gets sticky and less elastic, deep tissue bodywork helps to return the tissues to a supple, fluid condition.
The modality is officially known as Sports Therapy and is performed either to prepare the body for a specific event, Recuperate from a recent event or simply Maintain flexibility and over-all health during a training period.
A Deep Tissue Massage works to separate the muscle from the connective tissues.
When the body gets sticky and less elastic, deep tissue bodywork helps to return the tissues to a supple, fluid condition.
The modality is officially known as Sports Therapy and is performed either to prepare the body for a specific event, Recuperate from a recent event or simply Maintain flexibility and over-all health during a training period.
We are currently accepting investor inquiries for the purpose of establishing new locations.
If you are interested in participating in the financial growth of The Massage Center, please send an email to apollo@freemassagecenter.com.
For existing massage establishments looking to add The Massage Center program to their facility, please send a brief email to licensing@freemassagecenter.com.
Please include your name, establishment license number and a telephone number that you can be reached.
All request will be addressed within two business days.
If you are interested in participating in the financial growth of The Massage Center, please send an email to apollo@freemassagecenter.com.
For existing massage establishments looking to add The Massage Center program to their facility, please send a brief email to licensing@freemassagecenter.com.
Please include your name, establishment license number and a telephone number that you can be reached.
All request will be addressed within two business days.
We are here to help make relaxation happen!
With fourteen different treatments, the most stressful part of visiting The Massage Center is deciding which treatment to enjoy.
Help to promote The Massage Center and your efforts will be rewarded.
When someone you refer becomes a member, you'll receive a FREE massage session.
Post our brochures at your place of business, where you work out, or wherever you can and potentially receive FREE massages for lifetime, as the referrals may keep pouring in - depending of course on the type of business you are in and the number of referrals you generate.
With fourteen different treatments, the most stressful part of visiting The Massage Center is deciding which treatment to enjoy.
Help to promote The Massage Center and your efforts will be rewarded.
When someone you refer becomes a member, you'll receive a FREE massage session.
Post our brochures at your place of business, where you work out, or wherever you can and potentially receive FREE massages for lifetime, as the referrals may keep pouring in - depending of course on the type of business you are in and the number of referrals you generate.
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