A powerful addition to health and healing, reflexology is an ancient healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hands and feet that correspond to every part, organ, and gland in the body. At Atlantis Reflexology & Massage, we offer many years of experience with therapy to address your body, mind, and spirit.
Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) Professional with over 30 years of experience in reflexology therapy, patient care, and massage therapy.
Nancy has established reflexology as a preventative health care therapy and an option for pain management.
She taught seminars on reflexology for 17 years covering methods, anatomy and physiology, and certifications.
She uses special massage therapy techniques to complete the wellness process.
Ms. Culver has an excellent reputation as a healer, teacher, and businesswoman.
Nancy has established reflexology as a preventative health care therapy and an option for pain management.
She taught seminars on reflexology for 17 years covering methods, anatomy and physiology, and certifications.
She uses special massage therapy techniques to complete the wellness process.
Ms. Culver has an excellent reputation as a healer, teacher, and businesswoman.
The 3D Scanner is a cloud-based, laser scanner that can show you how the imbalances in feet directly relate to the imbalances of the body.
Fast and easy scanning process and custom, guaranteed orthotics will arrive in a week!
After an initial conversation with a client that will be 60-90 minutes long, we will work together to get them where you want to go.
After the initial session, a client can have one coaching session or a series of sessions.
Fast and easy scanning process and custom, guaranteed orthotics will arrive in a week!
After an initial conversation with a client that will be 60-90 minutes long, we will work together to get them where you want to go.
After the initial session, a client can have one coaching session or a series of sessions.
Reflexology is an ancient holistic therapy founded on the relationship between the feet and hands and all other parts of the body.
Using a compression technique with the thumb and fingers, comfortable pressure is applied to the feet.
Reflexes are contacted that calm or stimulate the parts of the body, organs, and glands to balance them.
Reflexology is a safe, non-intrusive modality.
Tests are being done on reflexology all over the world.
Please ask for information.
The feet alone benefit from a session because there will be increased blood flow, lymph, feeling, and flexibility.
Using a compression technique with the thumb and fingers, comfortable pressure is applied to the feet.
Reflexes are contacted that calm or stimulate the parts of the body, organs, and glands to balance them.
Reflexology is a safe, non-intrusive modality.
Tests are being done on reflexology all over the world.
Please ask for information.
The feet alone benefit from a session because there will be increased blood flow, lymph, feeling, and flexibility.
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