Massage Therapy can help with Neck/Shoulder Pain, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Rotator Cuff injuries, Carpal Tunnel, Whiplash, Tennis Elbow, Stress Relief, TMJ tension, Headaches, and more. Energy Healing restores harmony in the energy fields surrounding our body, as well as on the physical body itself. Releasing experienced trauma & torsion, and balancing the Chakra system, is an essential part of integrated well-being.
Treatment times are set up for 30, 60 or 90 minutes. Before your treatment begins, we will conduct a short interview to discuss your treatment options and any concerns you may have. Your treatment session starts and ends as scheduled. Should you arrive late, your session will be accordingly cut shorter to not delay the next scheduled Client. We ask you to be respectful of our time and give at least 24 hours notice, should you need to cancel your appointment.
Failure to do so, will result in you being charged for your session. Adhering to the Code of Ethics for the Massage Therapy Industry, we will always treat you with respect and expect the same from you.
Treatment times are set up for 30, 60 or 90 minutes. Before your treatment begins, we will conduct a short interview to discuss your treatment options and any concerns you may have. Your treatment session starts and ends as scheduled. Should you arrive late, your session will be accordingly cut shorter to not delay the next scheduled Client. We ask you to be respectful of our time and give at least 24 hours notice, should you need to cancel your appointment.
Failure to do so, will result in you being charged for your session. Adhering to the Code of Ethics for the Massage Therapy Industry, we will always treat you with respect and expect the same from you.
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