Foot Reflexology focuses relieving many points of strain in the feet and hands, our special technique has a positive effect on the entire body. Foot Reflexology is a massage technique specific to the hands and feet. The application of unique, focused pressure on body-centric thumb, finger and hand points. Reflexology is the ancient Chinese origin technique of alternative medicine involving massage and stimulation of the sole.
Various organs of the body radiate from the sole of the foot. Those corresponding reflex zones can promote blood circulation, so as to achieve detoxification and fat burning. It can help you lose excess fat and adjusts endocrine to improve weight loss, help you maintain a better state of mind, and youthful vigor. Improves Circulation: Due to a mostly sedentary lifestyle, we have become unaccustomed to using our muscles on a regular basis.
The muscles in the feet get hardly any exercise and circulation is often impaired by tight, uncomfortable shoes. A 10-20 minute massage session before going to bed can greatly improve circulation in the lower extremities.
Various organs of the body radiate from the sole of the foot. Those corresponding reflex zones can promote blood circulation, so as to achieve detoxification and fat burning. It can help you lose excess fat and adjusts endocrine to improve weight loss, help you maintain a better state of mind, and youthful vigor. Improves Circulation: Due to a mostly sedentary lifestyle, we have become unaccustomed to using our muscles on a regular basis.
The muscles in the feet get hardly any exercise and circulation is often impaired by tight, uncomfortable shoes. A 10-20 minute massage session before going to bed can greatly improve circulation in the lower extremities.
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