Reflexology uses the foot as a map of the entire human body. Pressing specific parts of the foot is believed to heal problems in unrelated and distant areas. East Holistic is your go-to massage headquarter. We combine Chinese Qi meridian methodology, acupressure, and pressure point therapy into one holistic massage. A combo is combining reflexology and massage into one session.
It is a great choice that would increases relaxation, effectiveness and overall benefits of your overall massage experience. Sure you have to take into consideration the mannerisms of the ethnicity of the owners but that's just a cultural difference so get over it or go elsewhere. But the quality of services received for the cost you pay is worth it.
The value exceeds the cost. I will be back.
It is a great choice that would increases relaxation, effectiveness and overall benefits of your overall massage experience. Sure you have to take into consideration the mannerisms of the ethnicity of the owners but that's just a cultural difference so get over it or go elsewhere. But the quality of services received for the cost you pay is worth it.
The value exceeds the cost. I will be back.
Establisted in 2007, We have been serving the Calsbad community for over 10 years!
We proudly give our customers peace of mind by taking away tension, easing muscle stiffness and pains, and it has been a wonderful journey as we strive to provide the highest level of service to our customers.
Massage therapy takes away tension, releases muscle stiffness and increases circulation and metabolism.
The best part of therapy is that it relaxes as well as energizes the person.
It focuses on the specific problem, whether it is an acute or some chronic pain associated with the joints, muscles or skeletal system.
We proudly give our customers peace of mind by taking away tension, easing muscle stiffness and pains, and it has been a wonderful journey as we strive to provide the highest level of service to our customers.
Massage therapy takes away tension, releases muscle stiffness and increases circulation and metabolism.
The best part of therapy is that it relaxes as well as energizes the person.
It focuses on the specific problem, whether it is an acute or some chronic pain associated with the joints, muscles or skeletal system.
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